Death to Berries

For the video “Death to Berries”, I created a sound track that is intended to be the driving force of the images, and also instill a feeling into the viewer. The project in its entirety is intended to represent the  relationship for humans to the Earth. We as human are destructive but brush that destructiveness off. This video is intended to show that the act of destroying is never truly forgotten, it always comes back.

Glitch Gif

For this glitch art project, I did not want to go for the obvious choice of destructive forces, technology. Instead, I stated to look at my own life and the destructiveness in the things around me. In doing this I began to see who I am and the basis of what my life revolved around, and that was the simple fact that I am the child of an active duty military officer. Since this is a core part of who I am, I have been able to see first had the destruction the military can do to a family and each member of that family, and I wanted to express those destructions in the form of a series of Gifs.Move
